Based in London, United Kingdom, Wright Fawler is a pure wealth allocation company, only managing assets for third parties. Therefore we can focus solely on our customers’ needs without any conflicts of interest. The company does not promote funds as well, but rather advises its clients on how to make the best use of the resources they select. While investing we take a predominantly long-only approach. Wright Fawler prefers dynamic asset allocation strategy, which should be interpreted as a mix of active and passive investing. Our model takes into account complex issues, particularly drawdown control, lifestyling or funding ratio improvement.
Fawler’s core allocations interest concentrates on conducting indirect investment activities in EU’s Eastern neighbourhood countries, such as Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaidzan, Georgia, Moldova and non – EU Balkan states, which are either CIS – members, EU – enlargement candidates or actively participating in the Eastern Partnership.
Current market circumstances and severe consequences resulting from numerous political turmoils in many of target countries offer investors possibility to gain on a bargain purchase of assets. Pursuing the goal of economy revival or eventually joining the EU the states are forced to initiate and carry out reforms to converge to the EU standards, which combined with their favourable geographical position and proximity to large world markets makes obtaining of higher return requirements to compensate for these extra risks prospective.
We aim to provide the very highest standards of investment management through accurate analysis of market opportunity and especially political risk in the target countries. Our experts select relevant investment themes at an early stage in order to implement them effectively. Wright Fawler has developed dedicated in-house company research and country rating tools which enable us to apply a stringent testing process to the investment opportunities in question.
Our company integrates the customars’ risk, allocation and regulatory constraints. We aim to grow our clients’ resources based on fundamentally sound investments, avoiding market fads at the same time. Our team champion original thinking and knowledge, and the company investment decisions are based solely on its own market research.
This website is only intended to give you general insight into the strategies, ideas and philosophy that shape our company, as well as the principles of our specific investment approach. For fearther information do not hesitate to contact as directly.